Seller: Create Account

Signing up with Infinity Traders gives you the opportunity to connect with multiple customers and businesses around Australia. You can sell a range of products & services with the click of a button.
We offer a range of functionalities that provide you support from beginning to the end, along with 24/7 hot line that guides you how to best get noticed in this big online world. To get started all you need to do is create a seller/vendor account.To create a Vendor account all you need to do is click the Create a Store option on top right hand corner of the home page or visit

Once on the Registeration page, please click on the I am a Vendor radio button. This will automatically open up the extra fields that need to be filled in to complete the initial sign up phase for a vendor.

Once you register your vendor store, you will get an automated email asking you to verify and set up your store. For more information in regards to setting up your store please check the following tutorial: